Aerie romance throne of bhaal patch

Throne of bhaal english patch v26498 free download. Fixes the jaheira romance in shadows of amn special thanks to kevin dorner and michael kurela. Aerie takes several levels of spunk in throne of bhaal, but especially if shes in a romance with you. They find five skeletons in an ancient grave, all but one marred by a violent death.

You import your game from shadows of amn or continue from shadows of amn straight into the expansion pack. Hexxat is now able to survive the final throne of bhaal encounter. So, throne of bhaal has three endings prepared, all of them amusingly enough using the same movie, just with a different narration. There are a lot of good throne of bhaal walkthrough and hint pages out there, but. As well, a separate component with aeries, anomens, jaheiras and viconias reactions is available. At in saradush throne of bhaal, aerie will leave the party if you urge the ilkhan soldiers to kill the elves. In some cases it may kill your romance, depending on the pcs replies. Throne of bhaal classic sorcerers place is an independent project run entirely by fans and for fans. Check out the unfinished business mod for a reconstruction of it. Shadows of amn and the expansion pack, throne of bhaal. Im pretty sure were far enough into the saerileth romance that we will never see the saerileth aerie arguments, which is really good because theyre so god damn annoying to. Enhanced edition is a remaster of the roleplaying video game baldurs gate ii. Please see extremists romance guide available from sorcerers place for details. Therefore, if you give aerie the first ten 4thlevel spells you find, those will be.

Romancing aerie, and how to conclude it properly boards. Throne of bhaal links patches, trainers, forums, etc. And does this mean the aerie romance would continue normally in tob, with it picking up from the latter stages of the soa storyline, where its just before the conclusion. Throne of bhaal anomen romance guide by nancy taylor submitted, 9kb. Aerie, anomen, jaheira and viconia react to romantic encounters 1. Itll be medium difficulty but it is also the most fun romance to play out compared with all the others. Aerie s quotes presents lines spoken by aerie, together with the associated sound files. In throne of bhaal aerie is very likely to get into a fight to the death with hexxat. Shes supposed to tell me shes pregnant after saradush, but she wont. If you are having a problem with save and load times noticeably increasing, the new throne of bhaal 26499 beta patch has been found to resolve the problem. But on the possibility that the entire domain may get resurrected and this link become valid, i.

Throne of bhaal takes the protagonists history further, and, being the final chapter, concludes the baldurs gate saga. Aerie is a female avariel and lawful good clericmage in baldurs gate ii. Relationship options in baldurs gate lgbtq video game. You can talk her into staying, but will see no more romance dialogues for the remainder of baldurs gate 2. With michael bell, jeff bennett, keith compton, jim cummings.

Speaking of sex, sleeping with phaere in ustnatha will also ruin this romance. Shadows of amn, male playercharacters can romance aerie this romance could be continued into baldurs gate ii. You may be able to download a romance patch on the internet. Midway through her romance, she becomes pregnant with char names child, yet opts to keep travelling and fighting alongside you. See more info for the tons of fixes and additions for single and multiplay.

This beta patch is being provided to fix a particular issue with the throne of bhaal 26498 patch above. The imoen romance modification for baldurs gate ii. As a young elf she was captured by slavers and sold to the. Hilariously, i still kind of dislike romancing aerie than i do anomen id chose him if they were my. In throne of bhaal, aerie will offer herself to you again. And, as our author suggested, some of these mods do amount to cheating. The game was launched on microsoft windows and mac os x. Kapitel 10 komplettlosung baldurs gate 2 thron des bhaal. I later read that my decision means the romance is now over for shadows of amn, but does that apply for throne of bhaal as well. Hints first install the official patch, then bg2 fixpack only core fixes and game text update and lastly the bonus merchants patch which adds the salers available on the bonus cds.

This detailed guide covers the throne of bhaal romance dialogues your female pc has with anomen, whether his alignment is chaotic neutral or lawful good. Jaheira romance walkthrough pdf read online or download for free. She is the final companion available before chapter two, as further companions will require going through the slums. Baldurs gate aerie romance ending aerie romance ending from baldurs gate ii. Having sex with aerie may sound like a good idea but it will break the romance. Jan jansens personal quest is the sick niece and the hidden in the sewers. Thus the unbalance of her emotions and what she thinks of your role as a child of bhaal. Gorions ward may choose her as a companion and romance. In shadows of amn, jaheira had a thing for my character and i ended up completing her romance successfully. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. I always use jaheira, so what is cernds personality like. He can also be summoned via the fate spirit in throne of bhaal. Thrnfb throne of bhaal information throne of bhaal is the official expansion pack to baldurs gate ii.

Use the tab key to highlight doors,containers and items available with the expansion throne of bhaal. Baldurs gate ii romantic encounters the gibberlings three. Frankly i dont think that version of aerie could survive the challenges you must overcome. This time it is quite safe to take her up on it except of course for the inevitable result that aerie gets pregnant. Shes been traumatised in the past by the loss of her wings, and a good part of the romance arc is about showing her that life is worth living even after that loss, and she does have the strength to go on. Lets play baldurs gate 2 and throne of bhaal by shugojin part 65. Aerie aerie setzte ihre reisen fort, nachdem sie pandur verlassen hatte. Her last romance dialogue should be the one where she says your relationship is never going to work out and tries to leave the party. Baldurs gate ii bg2 or just soa, with or without the throne of bhaal tob. So, not following a guide, i took aerie up on her offer to do the deed. When she tells you about her pregnancy, she has no doubt that charname is committed to her.

Throne of bhaal walkthroughs on supercheats walkthrough. Throne of bhaal, an expansion pack for shadows of amn, was developed by bioware and published by black isle studios, and released in june 2001. Fixes the jaheira romance in shadows of amn special thanks to kevin. Note that an affair does not necessarily break your romance. Aerie s romance with the protagonist in shadows of amn carries through into throne of bhaal, where she will have the protagonists child. Jahieras romance is pretty good as it contains a nice set of quests in shadows of amn, however the romance doesnt really do much in throne of bhaal. The original baldurs gate games does not offer samesex relationship options. I did everything right to continue the romance with aerie.

The main character, gorions ward, and his or her party must overcome five children of the dead god bhaal, whove raised armies to conquer the world through carnage and claim their fathers sinister throne and title. Added the possibility of remaining friends with nathaniel after jaheiras and aeries romance conflicts. I defeated yagashura and that was the last time she spoke to me. The romances from shadows of amn will all continue in throne of bhaal. Just a little common sense much like aerie s romance. Aerie profiles difficulty rating hints step by step walkthrough 3. You will get a chance to pursue the romance further in throne of bhaal, so dont panic. Romantic encounters mod for baldurs gate ii version 14 a gibberlings three mod. Lets play baldurs gate 2 and throne of bhaal by shugojin part 28. I loved the aerie romance, and having seen viconia and jaheiras content as well, aerie remains my favourite. I played the romance through twice, expecting him to come to his senses and stop being so noble and nothing. Pretty much every guide ive seen is for either the main game or expansion never both. Fixes the multiplayer bug where sarevok keeps repeating his first line of dialogue after the player makes the ingame transition from shadows of amn to throne of bhaal.

Enhanced edition features new content and widescreen compatibility the remaster was developed by overhaul games, a division of beamdog and was. Beamdog has released a brand new update for the enhanced edition of baldurs gate 2. She gets a lot better later honestly if we judged the romances for their endgame. Bgii, make sure that you have obtained and installed the latest official bioware patch. Throne of bhaal is an expansion pack for baldurs gate ii, the second game of the baldurs gate series. Your favourite bg2 romance including the new enhanced. Shadows of amn and throne of bhaal that adds both an expanded friendship track and romance options to the cheerful thiefmage, imoen. A gold ioun stone and a silver ioun stone have been added into throne of bhaal. Any non weidu mods or patches must be installed before nathaniel.

You can find book jaheira romance walkthrough in our library and other format like well, this website is offline, according to its host provider. By throne of bhaal aerie is the most flexible spellcaster in the game bar none and can wield the amulet of power and robe of vecna for instantspeed healing as well as offensive mage spells. The only thing that makes me sad i cannot find any evidence of the romance following through into throne of bhaal. To return to their friends, they must uncover the mystery of the dead child priestess and her family who died to protect her. Mercedes lackey audiobooks dragonlance lost chronicles vol. Patching int010 oo also be sure to install the latest version of the official shadows of amn or throne of bhaal patch. Also, assuming they are any race but elf they can also romance viconia. Baldurs gate 2 online walkthrough tips and tricks sorcerers. The nathaniel npc mod introduces a new joinable npc into baldurs gate ii. Localization german sounds and movies from vanilla bg2 should not be missing 10731.

Xzar and aerie are trapped in the old temple of a sun god. Aerie and viconia both have interaction in throne of bhaal but not really a lot of interesting events, besides viconias run in with her past. You continue with the same party as you had in shadows of amn. Anomen will romance a female player character provided she is either a. It has one area watchers keep that can be reached in either game, and many other areas that take place after the events in bg2. Do this before you mod, and whether or not you actually mod. Throne of bhaal on the pc, gamefaqs has 12 faqs game guides and walkthroughs. The moddb patch and the sorcerers place patch look like they are the same patch. The romantic encounters mod for baldurs gate ii re for short is an addon for the game baldurs gate ii, with or without the throne of bhaal expansion pack. What i love about aeries romance path is how she tries her best to cope. It is a place where all is made of stinging and pain. The mod allows both heterosexual and bisexual lesbian romance options. Baldurs gate 2 online walkthrough aerie sorcerers place. Unlike the expansion pack for the first game, this one continues the sagas main storyline, bringing it to its grand conclusion.

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